Saturday, February 20, 2010

Instant Friends

Yesterday when I walked into the JKB I saw a girl on crutches. We were instant friends. We both stood there on one foot (with the support of our crutches) talking for a few minutes. I'm sure we were quite the sight. I'm pretty sure she only sprained her ankle because she had a cute little sock on her foot (I haven't yet found a sock I can fit over my splint). She had been ice skating when she got hurt. (Dang ice. Dang winter sports.) When she told me it just happened yesterday, I felt extremely grateful that I had a 3-day weekend to adjust before going back to school. It must have been a tough day for her but I told her not to gets easier!


Barbara Rich said...

Sounds like you're getting getting to be an old hand at this now!

Christine Frandsen said...

I don't know what the heck happened, but you somehow got deleted from my blog list- so I thought you just never update. I'm glad I was wrong. I am so sorry about your ankles! Let me know if I can do anything to help.We still need to do lunch sometime- you me and Barb. Hope everything is great with 485 and your other classes.
