Thursday, May 7, 2009

Put a Smile On

Some days I have a hard time not feeling sorry for myself, but most of the time I feel like I must have the best life ever! I've learned over the years that even though how you perceive your life is often all about your attitude, it's still very difficult to flip that switch from negative to positive. It just doesn't always work that way.

Monday was a pretty good day and then Tuesday really brought me down. It began about the worst way possible and I felt like it just got worse from there, but that night I read one of my books that I seem to have neglected for awhile. I call it my "Feel-Good Quote Book."

Starting my sophomore year in high school, I decided to write down all the nice things people say about me. Of course, people say nice things all the time, but sometimes there will be several months between entries because I like to include only the ones that really mean the most to me, even if they're simple. My intention in "writing" this book was to boost my self-esteem when I'm having a hard time. It's pretty amazing what a simple compliment can do for your attitude.

I'm writing this because today I made an accidental mistake that took me about an hour and a half of unplanned time to correct. What was my mistake gave me a chance to prove my dedication to making things right again. After making things right, I received one of the best compliments ever, although I'm sure the complimenter probably had no idea. Even though it began as my mistake, life just looked better after that.


Barbara Rich said...

I'm glad your day turned out OK, Abigail. It's good to have things to read that help us get back to where we'd like to be, isn't it?

Rush said...

It IS hard to put that smile on sometimes! I think Satan will try to discourage us any way he can, even if we have the best life ever, so it's still a struggle to overcome it. But you do that well. Thanks for keepin' it real!

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