Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another First Day of School

It's weird to think today was my third first day of school in less than nine months. I should have taken a picture, but I didn't...sorry Mom. But it's been a great day...minus the fact that I still have to unpack most of my stuff.

I spent the weekend at Joey and Katie's apartment while I was without a home, went to my old ward on Sunday, and moved into my new apartment yesterday. Then went to dinner for a friend's birthday, then ward FHE, then to watch the Hannah Montana movie with my new roomies! It was awesome...even if we were the only ones in the theatre...

Then came home, went to bed, got up early, read, went to class, job 1, job 2 (read another email from my soldier...I'm telling you, everyone should adopt one!), temple, ate dinner...and now I'm posting. It's been a crazy few weeks, and now I get to drive to Texas with TyRee on Thursday and I'm soo excited!


Adri and Russ Lee said...

you have classes and 2 jobs!? You're amazing!

Barbara Rich said...

Sounds like a very busy few days, Abigail!

Fife Family said...

I can't believe it's already been a year since you came to live with us! Too bad you couldn't come again this summer... I hope you enjoy your new place and new experiences. Texas huh? Sounds fun. You should try and get a ride home next weekend for Mother's Day, we're going to be there for the weekend.