Sunday, February 1, 2009

La La La

Friday I went to visit the school (yep, that's a link in case you want to check it out) I'm working with for my Public Relations Writing and Productivity class. It is a nonprofit PRIVATE school for children with autism where my cousin teaches. I was only there with the KIDS for about an hour...they are SO CUTE and sweet! Then I got to talk with the guy who will be taking over the BUSINESS side of things at the school about some public relations stuff. It's hard to give it the TIME I would like to since I have so many other things going on and it's just one class, but I've been getting really EXCITED about it!

Saturday was spent doing surprises there! The highlight of my day was going grocery shopping with Joey and Katie because it's ALWAYS NICE to just get out of the apartment. Oh, I guess RUNNING was nice too. I look forward to going running more when I only go once or twice a week because then it's like a TREAT, rather than a chore. Don't worry, I exercise the rest of the week too; I just like to do more inside activities during the winter time like TAE BO, jump roping, and belly dancing :).

THEN at night I got to see my old FRIENDS, Darin and Aaron!! We've been friends since I was 15, but this is the first semester they've been up here with me. It's kind of cool having people up here that know me from my HIGH SCHOOL days...not that I'm much different, but I can just be NORMAL because they already know me and not have to deal with any awkwardness because they're BASICALLY my brothers.


Fife Family said...

I like your fresh new blog design! That autism school looks really neat. Is that where Rebecca works? Running in the cold and snow sounds like no fun to me. I would still consider it a chore no matter how many times a week! I know what you mean about the grocery shopping, especially when you don't have a car and can't just go whenever you want. I remember it always feeling so good to restock my cupboards. I guess I still like it, but shopping is definitely more of a chore these days.

Barbara Rich said...

The school sounds interesting Abby! You always have something new and exciting going on. I'm anxious to hear more about it.

Jamie Ward said...

I don't think you want to tell people that you are doing belly dancing as a hobby now...or a workout. They might start getting some weird ideas...

Adri and Russ Lee said...

I felt really excited while I read this becuase of ALL the RANDOM capitalized letters. :) I'm glad you exercise. I should BE more LIke YOU! :)