Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 Things

Since I no longer have a facebook, I decided to do the "25 Things About Me" thing on my blog. This way, fewer people will see it, but I wanted to be a part of it since I keep hearing so much about it...

1. I LOVE where all the freeways cross. This is a more common occurrence in California than it is in Utah, but that is why I love driving to Salt Lake. There is something thrilling about seeing where everyone crosses paths as they travel to different destinations.

2. I'm much better now, but I can be extremely shy. Most of the time, though, if I'm quiet it's because I am enjoying being an observer and listener. I like to absorb things that way.

3. I love the fourth of July. Last summer I made Carly while listen while I read the Declaration of Independence. When I'm older, I want my family to be patriotic. We'll play baseball, eat apple pie, and read about our history. I am so excited to one day meet our founding fathers.

4. Icees are my comfort food. Actually, they're good anytime, but I especially enjoy them when I'm happy, sad, or stressed out. Smoothies and ice cream are a close second and third.

5. When I'm really sad, I can't eat. When I'm really happy, I eat a lot. Is this normal? I think I might be programmed backwards.

6. I love to exercise, but I have to mix it up a lot or I get bored. I think I've mentioned on here that I enjoy running, TAE BO, jump rope, and other work out videos, i.e. dancing.

7. If you'll play Catch Phrase with me, I'll love you forever.

8. Hugs are my favorite...anytime! I love giving them and getting them! When I'm sad, I might not want to talk to you, but I'll usually welcome a hug.

9. I think anything is easier to do (and more fun!) when I'm doing it for someone else and not just for myself. I don't really like to cook for myself, for example, but I enjoy cooking for other people!

10. I have a knife collection, but I don't know anything about knives. I was jealous because Joey had one, so I wanted one too. I think Joey might have gotten into it because of Grandpa.

11. I'm a little bit superstitious.

12. I love Disney and all the Disney stars...until I find out they're not who I thought they were. I like them because they're wholesome.

13. I'm a dreamer. I love fairy tales and sappy stories. I love fantasy and playing pretend--anything where I get to be in another world for a little while.

14. Laughter may be the best medicine, but I think going for a long drive with the windows rolled down and loud music playing is a close second.

15. I've never been trick-or-treating. Most people think this means I was deprived, but the truth is, I never knew the difference. I still got candy and Halloween was just another family night with pizza from Little Caesers. And one of the few days of the year we got to drink soda.

16. I LOVE meeting random people and finding things we have in common. But I think it's more fun meeting random people and finding out something about them I never would have guessed. I'll ask them a ton of questions. I think the best way to learn about life and the world is to hear other people's stories.

17. I think a picnic is always a perfect date (as long as there is good weather). Inside or outside, on the roof, in the park, near the railroad tracks, in the middle of the forest, homemade food, fast food, store-bought food...the list goes on and on. Picnics are the best.

18. I love love LOVE being outdoors, but I'm definitely a beach girl, not a snow girl. I love hiking, swimming, sports, running, bike riding, rock climbing, boating...the wind in your face is one of the best feelings. In fact, I love water in all forms...waterfalls, water under bridges, swimming pools, rivers, oceans, etc.

19. Two of the things I miss most about California are palm trees and the fog.

20. I'm a huge bargain least when it comes to clothes. I'm working on being a bargain grocery shopper, furniture shopper, etc.

21. The only reason I carry an umbrella in the rain is to keep my backpack/laptop dry. I love being rained on, and thunderstorms are the best! I take that back...I love being rained on in the SUMMER, when it's warm rain.

22. I fall asleep during late-night movies without fail. I think I got this from Dad.

23. I won the science award in 8th grade. Ender inspired me to learn everything I could about the world around me!

24. It's one of my life goals to solve a riddle. I always give up before I get it!

25. I have a secret wish to go dog-sledding one day.


made sweet said...

abby you are so cute! and I totally agree with you on the first one. i think it looks sweet when all the freeways are crossing each other.

Tenders said...

I thought you had deleted your facebook! I just wasn't sure. I love your 25 things though... I got a good laugh out of the knife collection one! :D
I always miss the fog from back home too! And I agree with how cool the freeways look. My dad calls them "spaghetti bowls" so I always think of that when I see them and have a secret smile to myself!
I miss you Abs! I hope your doing well!

Rebecca R. Farnsworth said...

The falling asleep during movies...or during anything, comes from Grandpa Rich. I'm sure of it. So, in that respect, it probably does come from your father. :) I know mine comes to me through mine. AND, just to forewarn you, it gets WORSE the older you day you will find yourself falling asleep at a football game, and everyone will ask you how you can sleep with all the noise and energy. For such questions, there is one answer, and one answer only: "my grandfather."

katielizabethawkes said...

Ten reasons why us being roommates this summer is a grand idea:

1. We can eat slushies and smoothies every is summer.
2. We can celebrate the 4th of July like nobody's business.
3. I just got a Tae Bo video for my birthday.
4. We can drive around and sing with the windows down
5. Picnics every day!!
6. Bargain shopping...always.
7. We can use our swimming pool every day and go float down rivers on the weekends.
8. Trip to california? palm trees? yes please.
9. I commit to loving the sun because i miss it so much in Utah...BUT my most favorite weather is rain....but not in Utah. Because i hate cold rain. Summer rain = best ever.
10. Psych. episodes. every. night.

Jamie Ward said...

I see you made "25 Things" a part of your Valentines Day homework. funny thing about the disney Music teacher doesn't let his 5 year-old girl watch disney princess movies because he thinks they get so much by not doing anything. So instead, she is a crazy Jane Austen's that for wholesome