Sunday, November 16, 2008

I don't know what to think

It's been a long weekend and I'm really not looking forward to returning to school tomorrow. I feel like the only thing really keeping me going is the promise of Thanksgiving break in the near future, followed by the warm feelings of the Christmas season.

I re-dyed my hair on Friday. Now it's a little bit darker, but has highlights. It's supposed to have some red in it too, but you can't really tell. I just got it done at one of the hair schools here and amazingly, it only cost me $10. My roommate, Celine, and I went bowling that night, just on campus. It was nice to just hang out, especially since Celine and I never get to do too much together. Saturday morning it was hard for me to wake up, but when I did I decided to go for a bikeride. I ended up going along the Provo River trail for a little bit, and stopping to think by the side of the river. The only company I had the whole time was a creepy gray cat. I think I might have been in her spot or something, because she was giving me kind of a mean look. I think we somehow communicated with our eyes, though, because after a minute I felt like she understood that she was to leave me alone. Anyway, afterward, Jamie and I went to Sam's Club to enjoy some delicious free samples. Maybe I should do that more often...

After leaving Jamie's house, I realized that I no longer had my iPod shuffle with me. I knew instantly where I could find it-in the leaves by the side of the river. I wasn't as disappointed as I should have been, but I hated that I had left it there. Joey was nice and drove me back out there this morning and I was right-it was exactly where I had thought it would be.

I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year especially. I'm going to Carly and Rich's house in Gilbert, and my parents will come over too. I haven't been on that long of a road trip for awhile, so I'm even looking forward to that. Hopefully, it will be a nice change from my "fun"-filled Thanksgiving last year when I got stranded with a near-stranger between Cedar City and St. George. Good times....


Katie Rich said...

I'm glad that you were able to get your ipod back. You should post some of the pictures you and Joey took!

Anonymous said...

I miss you! I love reading your posts. I want to make more time in my life to ponder things and go for bike rides. That sounds so nice. I always get burned out this time of the semester.

Barbara Rich said...

I like your cat story, Honey! How sweet.

I am really looking forward to seeing you next week.