So in case you can't tell, I'm really starting to get into this blogging thing. I have no idea how many people actually read it, but it's a nice way to just keep track of my thoughts and what I've been up to.
It was a bit of a lonely weekend with two of my roommates out of town, but it was a nice time for me to think without a lot of distractions. It's weird how something that seems so perfect one day can cause us to be unsure the next. But that doesn't mean that it was never right in the first place, or that it will never be right in the future. It's comforting to know that there are some things that are eternal and will never change, and those are the things we should form our lives and our decisions around.
Abby, I think it's time I just tell you... I read your blog :) You remember me right? I found your blog linked to some other freshman friend, and now your newsfeed pops up and tells me when you post. You're a great blogger!!!
I appreciate your updates, Abby, and knowing what you are thinking.
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