Friday, September 12, 2008

2nd Week of School

Well, this week wasn't as exciting for me as last week, but here are some things that went down...

1. Didn't get embarrassed or uncomfortable in my public speaking class this week...even when the teacher made everyone look at me for what felt like 5 whole minutes. Well...I got a little embarrassed when my teacher said, "Isn't she cute, class?"

2. Had dinner with Joey, Katie, and Scott.

3. Developed a small crush.

4. Had 2 more articles in the paper...and one even on the front page of The Daily Universe!

5. Met several new cool people through doing interviews-one girl told me it was a blessing to meet me.

6. Went for a long bikeride.

7. Had a picnic down at Utah Lake at sunset and went dancing in Salt Lake. Sorry the pictures are small...they're just from facebook.

8. BYU football is playing UCLA tomorrow...don't tell the BYU fans, but I've been thinking of cheering for UCLA...I can't help that they feel more like home.

1 comment:

Fife Family said...

So who is your crush? You need to fill me in. Congrats on your articles!