When you take four months off of school, it's surprisingly easy to forget you still have to go for at least two more years. So...it's back to Provo for me-back to the bubble. It really does feel like a different world, but it's not as hard for me to make the adjustment from the "real" world to Provo (and vice versa) as it used to be. Coming back and forth is just a way of life for me now.
I'm currently taking a break from unpacking...as exciting as that sounds. I'll probably go for a run in a few minutes, and then I have to come back to finish the job. I don't mind, though (even if I do have to miss the volleyball game for it), because I want to do all I can not to be stressed out once school starts.
So I've been at my new job for two days now, and I really like it so far! The bosses are way nice and I feel like a grown-up because I get to sit at a desk and have my own computer. And...I get to write things that will actually get published somewhere! The McKay School of Education has a partnership with five of the school districts in the area, so they contribute a lot of time and effort to improve education in the schools. In turn, they learn what the children need so that BYU can produce better teachers. The public relations office helps out a lot with promotion through articles in different magazines and on the website, as well as in other ways. It's actually really cool how it all works. I don't think I realized how interested I was in education until recently. That's the awesome thing about public relations-you can go to school and learn public relations skills, but then you can take those skills into whatever other field you're interested in-education, medicine, technology, entertainment, or whatever you want.
Anyway, I've mostly just been learning about the job and what goes on around it, but I started writing my first feature today. It was a little harder than I was expecting to start writing again, especially news writing, and I've been a little slow. But I'm sure I'll get faster with practice, especially since I'm taking a News Reporting class this semester. I don't think I really have a choice but to get better and faster.
1 comment:
Well you have been out of the school/writing mode for a few months now, but I'm sure you'll get back into it in no time.
You missed the volleyball game to unpack? What's that all about? BTW, we played last night and missed you. We need to get your friends' ph. #s from you so we can call them when we need more players.
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