Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 1. Again.

Ok, so I know I have been horrible about updating my blog. I probably won't be any better in the future, but I decided to write some thoughts about my first day back at school:

  • I felt awkward. It wasn't as easy for me to jump back into things as I thought it would be. I have to relearn to divide my attention between about 10 things, instead of just 3 or 4. I think I've gotten a little slower in my time away from school.
  • I love my classes.
  • I made a lunch last night. Then I forgot to take it with me to school today.
  • I ran into lots of DC friends on campus!
  • I have class with one of my new BFFs Rachel, and we had lunch together, too.
  • The PR office was welcoming and wonderful.
  • We had a Washington Seminar reunion tonight because it was Kit's birthday. Kelli made him a rocketship cake. I LOVE those guys so much.
  • The library printers were all broken today when I needed them. On the plus side, I befriended the computer guys who had to help me print. Then I somehow spent $20 on printing. Maybe those guys weren't as friendly as I thought they were. I will see what I can do to take care of that problem tomorrow.
  • I was late to two of my classes.
  • I wore a cute outfit.
  • I found out that lots of my friends from live within only a couple of blocks!
  • I have wonderful roommates, a great place to live, and a big room ALL to myself (for now, at least).
  • School is good. But it's hard to be back. It's good to know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. And I'll move onto something else soon enough, so I might as well enjoy it while I can.


Pierce and Stacy said...

Yay! You're back. We missed you. I'm sad I'm not there... well, not really. But we need to get together sometime!

Barbara Rich said...

I'm glad you're settled in, Abby!