Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Called to Serve?

As I watch so many of my girl friends decide to serve missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and become very excited about it, I sometimes wonder why I don't feel the need to go on one. At the moment I don't really have any other absolutely pressing things I need to do (well ok, now that I've accepted an internship for the fall I do, but after that I don't) and I'd really love to be a missionary.

I think I've been blessed with my calling this summer as a member of the Missionary and Fellowship Council. While there aren't too many people in Provo to preach the gospel to, I feel like it's given me a taste of what it's like to be a missionary and to do the Lord's work. But lately I've been blessed with so many other opportunities that for some reason feel to me like they should be prioritized above a mission. I hope I can do them justice. I feel blessed to know that, if not right away, one of these days I'll be blessed to wear a black missionary nametag.


Katie Rich said...

I like how you phrase it that "one of these days I'll be blessed to wear a black missionary nametag." I most often think of missionary work in the words of "opportunity" or "experience", but not always "blessing." It is a good reminder that it really is a blessing to have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be able to share that with others. Even if right now is not the time for you, you will be blessed with that opportunity if you desire it.

Barbara Rich said...

I think you have a very good sense of what's right for you at this time, Abby. I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities for missionary service in the course of your life.

Meg said...

OMG abbie- you would be the best sister missionary. . . Don't think- just do. lol just kidding. but you would really be great :)