I’m trying to figure out the rest of my life and I need your help. Please vote on your top 3 choices for what you think I should do when I grow up:
--Run away and join the circus
--Write a book series that will gain Harry Potter fame
--Marry rich and just don’t worry about it
--Open a hot dog stand (this is actually quite popular in Provo as demonstrated by the success of J-Dawg’s)
--Be a mime
--Start a secret career as a singer and no one will ever know it’s me
--Be a career advisor (this is supposed to be ironic)
--Model for Victoria’s Secret
--Start a dating service…or better yet, be a dating consultant
--Be a beach bum
--Dive horses
Other suggestions welcome.
I think you should:
--Write a book series that will gain Harry Potter fame (but do it when you already have kids)
--Be a beach bum (but only on the weekends)
as for the last one, I am torn between:
--Model for Victoria’s Secret
--Start a dating service…or better yet, be a dating consultant
How's THAT for help!?
Marrying Rich worked well for me, Carly, Sarita, Laura, and your mom, so I say go with that. Now we just need to find you a guy with the name Rich somewhere in there...
Horse diving, by all means, but keep your eyes closed!
Horse diving! Like on Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken....have you seen that? Also...remember to pop lock and polka dot it. Like it's hot.
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