My first couple weeks in Arizona, I worked part-time at home with my nephew, Evan. Then a couple of weeks ago, I added a second job, at my brother-in-law's sister's house. It was my job to keep the house clean, do the laundry, and pick up the kids, and it paid well. Also, I teach a few swimming lessons each week, so it's always a complicated answer when people ask me where I'm working...and it's about to change again!
Now, in the afternoons, I'll be getting some marketing/pr experience as well! Reed and Sabrina (the parents in the family I've been working for) run a housing business here in Arizona, called Trend Homes, and are willing to let me work with their marketing person for a 2-3 hours a day for some experience. It will likely be unpaid, at least in the beginning, but I probably need experience right now more than I need money anyway. And I'll still be getting a couple hours with the kids in the afternoon, so it sounds like a perfect solution to me!
All in all, Arizona is turning out to be a great experience for me. It seemed like a bit of a rough start, but I've met a bunch of great people, I love my ward, and I'll be able to have some adventures that I wouldn't have had anywhere else. I love living with and being able to spend so much time with my sister and her family. They're amazing!
I'm so glad things are working out for you! Guess what? Today was my last day of classes . . . EVER. Now I need to get through finals.
Again, I'm impressed! You've really been making the most out of your time here so far this summer. Thanks for all your help with the kids, I appreciate it so much! You're doing a great job working with Evan!
Abby! I didn't know you had a blog. I just had to copy you because it was such a great idea. I'm glad you have one. It seems like almost everyone else I know that has a blog is married, but not you and me. I miss you! Glad things are working out in Arizona! Love ya!
Sounds like your decision to go to AZ for the summer was definitely a good one! I am happy that things are working out so well!
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