Saturday, May 17, 2008

My First Post

So my sister Carly made me set up this blog. Let's see...I finished up my sophomore year at BYU 3 weeks ago and now I am living in Gilbert, Arizona for the summer. I know, I know. It's going to get hot this summer... so everyone keeps telling me! I'm pretty sure if I can survive a miserably cold Utah winter, I can handle an Arizona summer. I would take hot over cold any day. In the fall, I will start taking classes for my major, which is communications, with an emphasis in public relations. I miss my friends from school and home, but so far I really like it here.


Barbara Rich said...

I will enjoy keeping up with your adventures by way of your blog, so be sure to keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

You're already linked!

Unknown said...

i feel inspired. p.s. flow fingertip flow fingertip.

Rush said...

I'm w/you--hot is WAY better than cold! :) Fun to have you on the blogging connection.